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Two-dimensional materials

Take MoS2 as an example for a series of modeling:

  1. Import MoS2 crystal structure from database: Click FileLoad From Online Database in the menu, select Mo and S elements and click search, select the structure which space group is P6_3/mmc then click load;
  2. Build a single-layer 2D material: Click ModifySymmetryMake P1 in the menu, select one of the MoS2 fragment then press Delete in your keyboard to delete it. Click ModifyLattice Parameters in the menu, uncheck the keep fractional coordinate fixed option, and adjust the c length to 20 angstrom to get an sufficient vacuum thickness. (You can also use cleave surface functionality to build 2D materials)
  3. Redefine Lattice (optional): If you need to convert the lattice to other lattices, such as orthogonal unit cells, √3 primitive vectors, etc., click ModifySymmetryRedefine Lattice in the menu, set a proper scaling matrix, then click Load.
  4. Build supercell (Optional): Click ModifyBuild Supercell in the menu, and set the supercell size in the pop-up window;
DrawingImport the unit cell
DrawingBuild single-layer two-dimensional materials
DrawingLattice transformation