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Python inference

We provide two types of Python inference methods. The first one is direct prediction for structures, as shown in the section Predict Structures, use infer command. The second is for predicting a large number of pwmlff/npy, vasp/outcar, pwmat/movement formats or their mixed formats. For this, we offer the option of using a JSON configuration file, as detailed in the section Mixed Data Prediction, use test command.

Predict Structures

This section explains how to use a trained model to predict the properties of atomic structures. The trained model can predict properties of atomic structures, such as system energy, forces, and stress. Once model training is completed, a model file (i.e., .ckpt file) is generated. Then, we can execute the following command to predict the properties of new atomic structures:

PWMLFF infer dp_model.ckpt atom.config pwmat/config

Where dp_model.ckpt is the model file, atom.config is the atomic structure file, and pwmat/config is the format of the atomic structure file.

This also supports formats like pwmat/movement, vasp/poscar, vasp/outcar, and lammps/lmp, lammps/dump. For lammps/dump, the user needs to specify the element types in the file, for example:

PWMLFF infer dp_model.ckpt lmps.dump lammps/dump Hf O

Once the command is executed, the total energy, per-atom energy, forces, and virial of the structure will be directly output in the terminal.

Mixed Data Prediction

This section explains how to use a trained DP model to predict a large number of pwmlff/npy, vasp/outcar, pwmat/movement formats or their mixed formats.

The user needs to prepare a JSON file as shown in the following example, and then use the command PWMLFF test jsonfile.

"model_type": "DP",
"atom_type": [28, 44, 45, 46, 77],
"model_load_file": "dp_model.ckpt",
"format": "pwmat/movement",
"raw_files": [
"datasets_path": [

model_load_file is the path to the trained dp_model.

format is the format of the structure files in raw_files.

Users can also directly use directories containing pwmlff/npy files in datasets_path.

For example, with the following pwmlff/npy file structure, if the user sets "datasets_path": ['pathA'], all structures under the train and valid directories will be used for inference. If the user sets "datasets_path": ['pathA/valid'], only the structures under pathA/valid will be used for inference.

You can also mix and match raw_files and datasets_path.

│ └──ei.npy, forces.npy, ...
└──ei.npy, forces.npy, ...

After the command finishes execution, a new directory named test_result will be created in the current directory, containing the inference results with the following files:


inference_summary.txt This file summarizes the inference information, as shown in the following example:

For 200 images: 
Average RMSE of Etot: 0.34629015882102976
Average RMSE of Etot per atom: 0.0036071891543857267
Average RMSE of Ei: 1.3401666387065987
Average RMSE of RMSE_F: 0.03597006701703569

More details can be found under the file directory:

image_atom_nums.txt stores the number of atoms corresponding to each structure in order.

dft_total_energy.txt stores the energy labels of each structure in order.

dft_atomic_energy.txt stores the per-atom energy labels for each structure (specific to PWmat), with each structure stored as a row.

dft_force.txt stores the force labels for each atom in each structure, with the x, y, and z components of the force stored on each line.

inference_total_energy.txt stores the predicted total energy for each structure in order.

inference_atomic_energy.txt stores the predicted per-atom energy for each structure, with each structure stored as a row.

inference_force.txt stores the predicted forces for each atom in each structure, with the x, y, and z components stored on each line.

inference_loss.csv contains the RMSE between the predicted results and the labels for each structure. Each column from left to right corresponds to: img_idx representing the structure index, RMSE_Etot, RMSE_Etot_per_atom, RMSE_Ei, and RMSE_F representing the RMSE for the total energy, per-atom energy, and forces, respectively.