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Appendix I: features Wiki

This section provides a brief introduction on the features used in PWMLFF. The related literature is also listed, for readers' reference.

What are features?

Features (or descriptors) are quantities that describe the local atomic environment of an atom. They are required preserve the translational, rotational, and permutational symmetries. Features are usually used as the input of various regressors(linear model, NN, .etc), which output atomic energies and forces.

Features are differentiable functions of the spatial coordinates, so that force can be calculated as

Fi=dEtotdRi=j,αEjGj,αGj,αRi \mathbf{F_i} = - \frac{d E_{tot}}{d \mathbf{R_i}} = - \sum_{j,\alpha} \frac{\partial E_j}{\partial G_{j,\alpha}} \frac{\partial G_{j,\alpha}}{ \partial \mathbf{R_i}}

where :jj is the index of neighbor atom within the cutoff radius, and :α\alpha the index of feature.

Additionally, features are required to be rotionally, translationally, and permutaionally invariant.

2-b and 3-b features with piecewise cosine functions (feature 1 & 2)

Given a center atom, the piecewise cosine functions are used as the basis to describe its local environment. The praph below gives you an idea of how they look like.

We now define the pieceswise cosine functions, in both 2-body and 3-body feaures. Given the inner and outer cut RinnerR_{inner} and RouterR_{outer}, the degree of the basis MM, the width of piecewise function hh, and the interatomic distance between the center atom ii and the neighbor jj RijR_{ij}, one defines the basis function as

ϕα(Rij)={12cos(RijRαhπ)+12,RijRα<h0,otherwise \phi_\alpha (R_{ij}) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2}\cos(\frac{R_{ij}-R_{\alpha}}{h}\pi) + \frac{1}{2} &, |R_{ij} - R_{\alpha}| < h \\ 0 &, \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}


Rα=Rinner+(α1)h, α=1,2,...,M R_{\alpha} = R_{inner} + (\alpha - 1) h,\ \alpha = 1,2,...,M

The expression of 2-b feature with center atom ii is thus

Gα,i=mϕα(Rij) G_{\alpha,i} = \sum_{m} \phi_{\alpha}(R_{ij})

and 3-b feature

Gαβγ,i=j,kϕα(Rij)ϕβ(Rik)ϕγ(Rjk) G_{\alpha\beta\gamma,i} = \sum_{j,k} \phi_{\alpha}(R_{ij}) \phi_{\beta}(R_{ik}) \phi_{\gamma}(R_{jk})

where m\sum_{m} and m,n\sum_{m,n} sum over all atoms within cutoff RouterR_{outer} of atom ii

In practice, these two features are usually used in pair.


Huang, Y., Kang, J., Goddard, W. A. & Wang, L.-W. Density functional theory based neural network force fields from energy decompositions. Phys. Rev. B 99, 064103 (2019)

2-b and 3-b Gaussian feature (feature 3 & 4)

These two are the features first used in Behler-Parrinello Neural Network. Given the cutoff radius RcR_c, and the interatomic distance RijR_{ij} with center atom ii, define cutoff function fcf_c

fc(Rij)={12cos(πRijRc)+12,Rij<Rc0,otherwise f_c(R_{ij}) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2}\cos(\frac{\pi R_{ij}}{R_c}) + \frac{1}{2} &, R_{ij} < R_c \\ 0 &, \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}

The 2-b Gaussian feature of atom ii is defined as

Gi=jie(η(RijRs)2)fc(Rij) G_i = \sum_{j \neq i} e^{(-\eta(R_{ij} - R_s)^2)} f_c (R_{ij})

where η\eta and RsR_s are parameters defined by user.

The 3-b Gaussian feature of atom ii is defined as

Gi=21ζj,ki(1+λcosθijk)ζ eη(Rij2+Rik2+Rjk2)fc(Rij)fc(Rik)fc(Rjk) G_i = 2^{1-\zeta} \sum_{j,k \neq i} (1+\lambda \cos \theta_{ijk} )^\zeta\ e^{-\eta(R_{ij}^2 + R_{ik}^2 + R_{jk}^2)} f_c (R_{ij}) f_c (R_{ik}) f_c (R_{jk})


cosθijk=RijRikRijRik \cos \theta_{ijk} = \frac{\mathbf{R_{ij}} \cdot \mathbf{R_{ik}}}{|\mathbf{R_{ij}}||\mathbf{R_{ik}}|}

and η\eta, ζ\zeta, and λ=±1\lambda = \pm1 are parameters defined by user.

In practice, these two features are usually used in pair.


J. Behler and M. Parrinello, Generalized Neural-Network Representation of High Dimensional Potential-Energy Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 146401 (2007)

Moment Tensor Potential (feature 5)

In MTP, the local environment of the center atom :math:i is characterized by

ni=(zi,zj,rij) \mathbf{n_i} = (z_i, z_j, \mathbf{r_{ij}})

where ziz_i is the atom type of the center atom, zjz_j atom type of the neighbor jj, and rij\mathbf{r_{ij}} the relative coordinates of neighbors. Next, energy contribution of each atom is expanded as

Ei(ni)=αcαBα(ni) E_i(\mathbf{n_i}) = \sum_\alpha c_\alpha B_\alpha(\mathbf{n_i})

where BαB_\alpha are the basis functions of choice and cαc_\alpha the parameters to be fitted.

We now introduce moment tensors MμνM_{\mu\nu} to define the basis functions

Mμν(ni)=jfμ(rij,zi,zj)νrij M_{\mu\nu} (\mathbf{n_i}) = \sum_j f_\mu (|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|,z_i,z_j) \bigotimes_\nu \mathbf{r_{ij}}

These moments contain both radial and angular parts. The radial parts can be expanded as

fμ(rij,zi,zj)=βcμ,zi,zj(β)Q(β)(rij) f_\mu (|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|,z_i,z_j) = \sum_\beta c^{(\beta)}_{\mu,z_i,z_j} Q^{(\beta)}(|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|)

where Q(β)(rij)Q^{(\beta)}(|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|) are the radial basis funtions. Specifically,

Q(β)(rij)={ϕ(β)(rij)(Rcut(rij))2,(rij)<Rcut0,otherwise Q^{(\beta)}(|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|) = \begin{cases} \phi^{(\beta)}(|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|) (R_{cut} - (|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|))^2 &, (|\mathbf{r_{ij}}|) < R_{cut} \\ 0 &,\text{otherwise} \end{cases}

where ϕ(β)\phi^{(\beta)} are polynomials (e.g. Chebyshev polynomials) defined on the interval [Rmin,RcutR_{min},R_{cut}]

The angular part νrij\bigotimes_\nu \mathbf{r_{ij}}, which means taking tensor product of rij\mathbf{r_{ij}} ν\nu times, contains the angular information of the neighborhood ni\mathbf{n_i}. ν\nu determines the rank of moment tensor. With ν=0\nu=0 one gets a constant scalar, ν=1\nu=1 a vector (rank-1 tensor), ν=2\nu=2 a matrix (rank-2 tensor), .etc.

Define further the level of moments as

lev(Mμν)=2+4μ+ν lev(M_{\mu \nu}) = 2 + 4\mu + \nu

This is an empirical formula.


I.S. Novikov, etal, The MLIP package: moment tensor potential with MPI and active learning. Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol, 2, 025002 (2021)

Spectral Neighbor Analysis Potential (feature 6)

In SNAP, it does not use Gaussian progression. So it does not calculate the distance and kernel between two atomic local environment maps. It first defines a atomic local environment, then use sphoerical harmonic (or 4D sphere, with rotation matrix) to expand the atomic local environment. It then uses the bispectrum, so it becomes rotational invariant. In a way it is like the MTP, but it uses a special way to contract out the orientational index to make it roatational invariant. It is often used with linear regression.

Consider the local environment of neighboring atoms around the central atom ii at position r\mathbf{r} as a sum of δ\delta functions in a three-dimensional space:

ρ(r)=δ(r)+rki<RCfC(rki)ωkδ(rrki) \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \delta({\mathbf{r}}) + \sum_{\mathbf{r}_{ki}\lt R_C}f_C(\mathbf{r}_{ki})\omega_k\delta(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_{ki})

where rki\mathbf{r}_{ki} is the position of the kkth neighbor of atom ii, ωk\omega_k is the weight of the kkth neighbor, and the radial function fC(rki)f_C(\mathbf{r}_{ki}) ensures that the contribution of each neighbor will smoothly vary to zero near the cutoff radius RCR_C:

fC(r)=0.5[cos(πrRC)+1]f_C(\mathbf{r}) = 0.5\left[\cos\left(\frac{\pi r}{R_C}\right)+1\right]

The angular part of this local environment can be expanded in the familiar basis of spherial harmonic functions defined for l=0,1,2,...l = 0, 1, 2, ... and m=l,l+1,...,l1,lm = -l, -l+1, ..., l-1, l. The radial distribution is usually represented by a set of radial basis functions. However, here, the radial information r\mathbf{r} is mapped into another angle information in a 4D hyper spherical function Ummj(θ0,θ,ϕ)U^j_{mm^{'}}(\theta_0,\theta,\phi), where all the points (neighboring atoms) fall into a 3D spherical surface (in a 4D space) and the orientational (angual) information is given by the there angles:

r(xyz)ϕ=arctan(y/x)θ=arccos(z/r)θ0=34πr/rc\mathbf{r} \equiv \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{matrix} \phi = \arctan(y/x) \\ \theta = \arccos(z/\mathbf{r}) \\ \theta_0 = \frac{3}{4} \pi \mathbf{r} / \mathbf{r}_{c} \end{matrix}

As a result, the above local environment function can be expanded by these 4D hyper spherical harmonics Ummj(θ0,θ,ϕ)U^j_{mm^{'}}(\theta_0,\theta,\phi) with an expansion coefficient ummju^j_{mm^{'}}:

ρ(r)=j=0,12,1,...m=j,j+1jm=j,j+1,...jummjUmmj(θ0,θ,ϕ) \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{j=0,\frac{1}{2},1,...}^\infin \sum_{m=-j, -j+1}^j \sum_{m^{'}=-j,-j+1,...}^j u^j_{mm^{'}} U^j_{mm^{'}}(\theta_0,\theta,\phi)

Using he above expression for ρ(r)\rho(\mathbf{r}), the ummju^j_{mm^{'}} can be calculated as:

ummj=Ummj(0,0,0)+rki<RCfC(rki)ωkUmmj(θ0(k),θ(k),ϕ(k)) u^j_{mm^{'}} = U^j_{mm^{'}}(0,0,0) + \sum_{\mathbf{r}_{ki}\lt R_C}f_C(\mathbf{r}_{ki})\omega_kU^j_{mm^{'}}(\theta_0(k),\theta(k),\phi(k))

Here, kk is the neighboring atom index, and θ0(k),θ(k),ϕ(k)\theta_0(k),\theta(k),\phi(k) are the three angles of the position vector rki\mathbf{r}_{ki} of the kkth neighbor of atom ii. Note, ummju^j_{mm^{'}} is the orientational dependent due to its index m,mm, m^{'}. They can be contracted out (using three ummju^j_{mm^{'}}) with the following contraction formula:

F(j1,j2,j)=m1,m1=j1jm2,m2=j2jm,m=jj(ummj)um1m1j1um2m2j2×Cj1m1j2m2jmCj1m1j2m2jm F(j_1,j_2,j) = \sum^j_{m_1,m_1^{'}=-j_1} \sum^j_{m_2,m_2^{'}=-j_2} \sum^j_{m,m^{'}=-j} (u^{j}_{mm^{'}})^{*}u^{j_1}_{m_1m_1^{'}} u^{j_2}_{m_2m_2^{'}} \times C_{j_1 m_1 j_2 m_2}^{jm} C_{j_1 m_1^{'} j_2 m_2^{'}}^{jm}

Here, Cj1m1j2m2jmCj1m1j2m2jmC_{j_1 m_1 j_2 m_2}^{jm} C_{j_1 m_1^{'} j_2 m_2^{'}}^{jm} is the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, and the final scalar features are F(j1,j2,j)F(j_1,j_2,j). We can produce different features by setting diffrent j1,j2,jj_1,j_2,j. Note, in these features, there is no radial function index, instead we have three angual momentum indexex. This is because we have converted the radial distance information into the third angle information in a 3D sphere.

DP-Chebyshev (feature 7)

This feature attempts to mimic the behavior of DP's embedding network. It uses the Chebyshev polynomial as the basis.

First, we define S(rij)S(\mathbf{r}_{ij}) as a weighted inverse distance function as:

S(r)=fC(r)r S(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{f_C(\mathbf{r})}{\mathbf{r}} fC(r)={1,r<RC212cos(πrRC2RcRC2)+12,RC2r<RC0,r>RC f_C(\mathbf{r}) = \Bigg\lbrace{\begin{matrix} 1, \qquad\qquad\qquad \mathbf{r} \lt R_{C_2}\\ \frac{1}{2} \cos(\pi \frac{\mathbf{r} - R_{C_2}}{R_c - R_{C_2}}) + \frac{1}{2}, \quad R_{C_2} \leq \mathbf{r} \lt R_C \\ 0, \qquad\qquad\qquad \mathbf{r} \gt R_C \end{matrix}}

Here, RC2R_{C_2} is a smooth cutoff parameter that allows the components in ri\mathbf{r_i} to smoothly go to zero at the boundary of the local region definded by RCR_C. This smooth function is a bit more complex than the previous smooth function using a RC2R_{C_2}. S(rji)S(\mathbf{r}_{ji}) reduce the weight of the atom further away from the center atom ii. We then define radial functions gM(s)g_M(s) as the Chebyshev polynomial CMC_M in the deep potential-Chebyshev features:

gM(s)=CM(2RminS1). g_M(s) = C_M(2R_{min} S - 1).

Here, RminR_{min} is an input for minimum r\mathbf{r}.

To construct the DeepMD feature, we next calculate the four components vector as:

TM(k)=rji<RCX^ji(k)S(rji)gM(S(rji)) T_M(k) = \sum_{\mathbf{r}_{ji} \lt R_C} \hat{X}_{ji}(k) S(\mathbf{r}_{ji}) g_M(S(\mathbf{r}_{ji}))

Here, k=0,1,2,3k = 0,1,2,3 (four component vector). They are constructed from the usual x,y,zx,y,z component, plus the SS component as:

{xji,yji,zji}{S(rji),x^ji,y^ji,z^ji} \{ x_{ji}, y_{ji}, z_{ji}\} \rightarrow \{ S(\mathbf{r}_{ji}), \hat x_{ji}, \hat y_{ji}, \hat z_{ji} \}

where x^ji=Xjirji,y^ji=Yjirji,z^ji=Zjirji\hat x_{ji} = \frac{X_{ji}}{\mathbf{r}_{ji}}, \hat y_{ji} = \frac{Y_{ji}}{\mathbf{r}_{ji}}, \hat z_{ji} = \frac{Z_{ji}}{\mathbf{r}_{ji}} are the unit vectors of rji\mathbf{r}_{ji}.

From these 4D vectors, one can contract the component index to yield a scalar feature as:

F(M1,M2)=k=03TM1(k)TM2(k) F(M_1,M_2) = \sum_{k=0}^3 T_{M_1}(k) T_{M_2}(k)

Here, M1M_1 also encoded the number of atom types besides the Chebyshev. So, if the max Chebyshev order is MM, the number of features is Mntype(Mntype+1)/2M * n_{type} * (M * n_{type} +1 ) / 2. We can produce different features by setting different MM

DP-Gaussian (feature 8)

This is much like in deep potential-Chebyshev, but we use Gaussian functions instead of using Chebyshev polynomials, and the position and width parameters are specified by user.

Similar to deep potential-Chebyshev, the 4D vectors are constructed as:

TM(k)=rji<RCX^ji(k)gM(rji) T_M(k) = \sum_{\mathbf{r}_{ji} \lt R_C} \hat {X}_{ji}(k) g_M(\mathbf{r}_{ji}) X^(0)=S(r),X^(1)=xr,X^(2)=yr,X^(3)=zr \hat X(0) = S(\mathbf{r}^{'}), \hat X(1) = \frac{x}{\mathbf{r}}, \hat X(2) = \frac{y}{\mathbf{r}}, \hat X(3) = \frac{z}{\mathbf{r}} gM(r)=fC(r) exp((rrM)ωM) g_M(\mathbf{r}) = f_C(\mathbf{r}) \ · \exp(-\frac{(\mathbf{r} - r_M)}{\omega M}) fC(r)=12cos(πrRC)+12 f_C(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{1}{2} \cos(\frac{\pi \mathbf{r}}{R_C}) + \frac{1}{2}

The contraction is carried out as:

F(M1,M2)=k=03TM1(k)TM2 F(M_1,M_2) = \sum_{k=0}^3 T_{M_1}(k) T_{M_2}

M1M_1 also encoded the number of atom types besides the Chebyshev. So, if the max Chebyshev order is MM, the number of features is Mntype(Mntype+1)/2M * n_{type} * (M * n_{type} +1 ) / 2. We can produce different features by setting different MM.