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Version: 2024.05

Exploration parameter input


Settings for training (network structure, optimizer), exploration (LAMMPS settings, sampling strategy), and tagging (VASP/PWmat self-consistent calculation settings).

Parameter List


Specify whether to keep the temporary working directory. The default value is false. After each active learning iteration, the temporary working directory is automatically deleted.


Specify whether to keep the MD trajectory files. The default value is false. After each active learning iteration, the MD trajectory files are automatically deleted.


Specify whether to keep all result files from self-consistent calculations. The default value is false. If set to false, after each active learning iteration, only four files (REPORT, etot.input, OUT.MLMD, atom.config) are kept for PWmat self-consistent calculation, and three files (OUTCAR, POSCAR, INCAR) are kept for VASP.


Specify the directory of the initial training set in list format. It can be an absolute path or a relative path (current directory).


Parameters for model training, specifying the network structure and optimizer. For detailed parameter settings, refer to the PWMLFF documentation. You can either set all the training parameters as shown in the example, or use a separate JSON file by specifying the path to the JSON file in the train_input_file parameter.


Optional parameter. If you have a separate PWMLFF input file, you can specify the path to the file using this parameter.

Optional parameter, if you have a separate PWMLFF input file, you can use this parameter to specify the file path. Otherwise, you need to set the parameters as shown in the example below. Detailed explanations of the parameters can be found in the PWMLFF parameter list.

    "train": {
"model_type": "DP",
"atom_type": [
"max_neigh_num": 100,
"seed": 2023,
"train_valid_ratio": 0.8,
"recover_train": true,
"model": {
"descriptor": {
"Rmax": 6.0,
"Rmin": 0.5,
"M2": 16,
"network_size": [25, 25, 25]
"fitting_net": {
"network_size": [50, 50, 50, 1]
"optimizer": {
"optimizer": "LKF",
"epochs": 30,
"batch_size": 4,
"print_freq": 10,
"block_size": 5120,
"kalman_lambda": 0.98,
"kalman_nue": 0.9987,
"train_energy": true,
"train_force": true,
"train_ei": false,
"train_virial": false,
"train_egroup": false,
"pre_fac_force": 2.0,
"pre_fac_etot": 1.0,
"pre_fac_ei": 1.0,
"pre_fac_virial": 1.0,
"pre_fac_egroup": 0.1

Since the default parameters set in PWMLFF are already capable of supporting most training requirements, you can simplify it as shown below, which will use the standard DP model trained with the LKF optimizer.

  "train": {
"model_type": "DP",
"atom_type": [14],
"max_neigh_num": 100


Used to set the uncertainty measurement method for active learning and whether to use model compression for acceleration.


Set the uncertainty measurement strategy.

The default value is committee, which calculates the model prediction deviation using a committee of multiple models. This value needs to be used with the model_num, lower_model_deiv_f, and upper_model_deiv_f parameters. Candidate structures are selected if the model prediction deviation falls between lower_model_deiv_f and upper_model_deiv_f. Subsequently, DFT is used for labeling. The model_num parameter sets the number of models when using the committee method, with a default value of 4.

If set to kpu, a single model-based uncertainty measurement using Kalman filter is used. This value needs to be used with the kpu_lower and kpu_upper parameters. The kpu_lower parameter sets the lower bound of uncertainty, and the kpu_upper parameter sets the upper bound of uncertainty.


This parameter needs to be used with "uncertainty":"committee" and sets the lower bound of deviation. If the deviation value is smaller than this lower bound, the model's prediction for the configuration is considered accurate and does not require tagging. The default value is 0.05.


This parameter needs to be used with "uncertainty":"committee" and sets the upper bound of deviation. If the deviation value is greater than this upper bound, the configuration itself is considered inconsistent with physical meaning and does not require tagging. The default value is 0.15.


This parameter sets the number of models used when using the committee method for uncertainty measurement. The default value is 4.


This parameter needs to be used with "uncertainty":"kpu" and sets the lower bound of KPU (Kalman Predictive Uncertainty). If the KPU value is smaller than this lower bound, the model's prediction for the configuration is considered accurate and does not require tagging. The default value is 5.


This parameter needs to be used with "uncertainty":"kpu" and sets the upper bound of KPU (Kalman Predictive Uncertainty). If the KPU value is greater than this upper bound, the configuration itself is considered inconsistent with physical meaning and does not require tagging. The default value is 10.


This parameter is used to set the maximum number of configurations to be selected for labeling in each round of active learning for each initial exploration structure that does not have the select_sys parameter set. If the number of structures to be labeled exceeds this value, max_select structures will be randomly selected from the structures to be labeled. The default is not set, meaning there is no limitation.

For example, in the following MD exploration setting, since the select_sys is not set, if max_select is set, a maximum of max_select configurations will be collected for each of the two structures specified in sys_idx. Therefore, for this MD exploration setting, a maximum of 2×max_select2 \times max\_select structures will be collected for labeling.

"ensemble": "nvt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"sys_idx": [0, 1],
"temps": [500, 800],
"press": [ 1.0],
"taup": 0.5,


This parameter specifies whether to compress the model. The compressed model has slightly lower accuracy butcan be used for faster prediction. The default value is false.


This parameter is used to set the compression method for the model, with a default value of "compress_order":3, which corresponds to third-order polynomial compression. It can also be set to "compress_order":5, which corresponds to fifth-order polynomial compression. The higher the order, the higher the accuracy but slightly slower the speed compared to third-order compression.


This parameter is used to set the grid size for model compression, with a default value of "Compress_dx":0.01.


The selection strategy for the commit method

    "strategy": {
"lower_model_deiv_f": 0.1,
"upper_model_deiv_f": 0.2,
"model_num": 4,
"max_select": 50,
"compress": false

The selection strategy for the KPU method

    "strategy": {
"max_select": 50,

If you need to enable model compression, then

    "strategy": {
"lower_model_deiv_f": 0.1,
"upper_model_deiv_f": 0.2,
"model_num": 4,
"max_select": 50,
"compress": true,


Used to configure the molecular dynamics settings for the exploration process in active learning.


Used to set the prefix of the path for the structure files to be explored. This parameter is optional and is used in conjunction with sys_configs. It can be an absolute or relative path, where the relative path is based on the current directory.

Example: "sys_config_prefix":"/data/structure", "sys_configs":"atom.config", then the actual path for atom.config is /data/structure/atom.config.


Sets the paths for the structure files to be explored. If sys_config_prefix is set, the paths are concatenated using the prefix. Otherwise, the paths set in sys_configs are used as the config paths.

This parameter is in list format. For PWMAT format structure files, simply write the file paths. For VASP format structure files, the format needs to be specified as shown in the example below.

    "sys_configs": [
{"config":"POSCAR", "format":"vasp"},


Sets the molecular dynamics parameters for each iteration of active learning. It is in list format, where the i-th tuple represents the settings for the i-th iteration of active learning. Each tuple can be in dict format or a list of dict format.


In the following md settings, the unit for time is units metal.


Sets the ensemble, with a default value of "npt". It also supports "nvt" ensemble.


Sets the total number of steps for md, which is a required parameter and needs to be provided by the user.


Sets the timestep, with a default value of 0.001, which corresponds to 1 femtosecond.


Sets the trajectory sampling frequency (thermo), with a default value of 10, which means sampling every 10 steps.


This parameter is used to set the initial structures for MD simulations. It is specified as a list of indices referring to the structures in sys_configs. Multiple structures can be specified here. During the exploration, each configuration will be explored at the pressures and temperatures specified in "press" and "temps" respectively.

For example, with the following settings: "sys_idx": [0, 1], "press": [100, 200], "temps": [300, 400], the MD simulations will be performed on the structures with indices 0 and 1, at pressures and temperatures of [100, 300], [100, 400], [200, 300], and [200, 400] respectively. This will result in a total of 8 trajectories.

"ensemble": "npt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"sys_idx": [0, 1],
"select_sys":[20, 30],
"temps": [300, 400],
"press": [100, 200],
"taup": 0.5,


This parameter works in conjunction with sys_idx and is used to limit the maximum number of configurations to be labeled for each initial exploration structure specified in sys_idx. By default, it is not set and will use the value specified in max_select. If max_select is also not set, the default value of 100 will be used.

For example, in the case of sys_idx mentioned earlier, setting "select_sys": [20, 30] means that a maximum of 20 configurations will be selected for labeling from the 4 trajectories of structure 0, and a maximum of 30 configurations will be selected for labeling from the 4 trajectories of structure 1.

You can also set it as "select_sys": 20, which is equivalent to "select_sys": [20, 20].


Sets the pressures for md exploration, in list format.


Coupling time of barostat (ps), the default value is 0.5.


Sets the temperatures for md exploration, in list format.


Coupling time of thermostat (ps), the default value is 0.1.


Sets the boundary conditions for the simulated system, with a default value of true, which corresponds to p p p. Setting it to false uses f f f.


"explore": {
"sys_config_prefix": "./init_bulk/collection/init_config_0",
"sys_configs": [
{"config":"0.95_scale.poscar", "format":"vasp/poscar"},
{"config":"0_pertub.poscar", "format":"vasp/poscar"},
{"config":"0_pertub.poscar", "format":"vasp/poscar"}
"md_jobs": [
"ensemble": "npt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"sys_idx": [0, 1],
"temps": [500, 800],
"press" :[ 100,200],
"taup": 0.5,
"ensemble": "nvt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"sys_idx": [2],
"temps": [400],
"taup": 0.5,

In the example above, a single round of active learning is configured to perform LAMMPS simulations specified in the two dictionaries in "md_jobs".

For the first dictionary, the npt ensemble is used, and two configurations are specified in sys_idx, corresponding to 0.95_scale.poscar and 0_pertub.poscar. The lists of temperature and pressure are [500, 800] and [100, 200] respectively. This means that LAMMPS simulations will be performed for these two structures under temperature and pressure combinations of [500, 100], [500, 800], [800, 100], and [800, 200]. The simulations will run for 1000 steps with an output frequency of 10 steps and a time step of 2 femtoseconds. After the simulations, a total of 8 trajectories will be obtained.

For the second dictionary, the nvt ensemble is used, and a single configuration is specified in sys_idx, corresponding to 0_pertub.poscar. The temperature is set to 400, meaning that a LAMMPS simulation will be performed at a temperature of 400K. After the simulation, a single trajectory will be obtained.


Set up self-consistent calculations the input is dict format.


Set the DFT software used for the calculation. The default value is pwmat, but it also supports the VASP format. If using the VASP format, set it to vasp.


Set the path to the input control file. It can be an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory).


This parameter is specific to PWMAT and is used to set the K points. It is an optional parameter. If the MP_N123 parameter is not set in the etot.input file, this parameter is used to set the K points.

Make sure that MP_N123 and kspacing are not set simultaneously.

If MP_N123 is not set in the etot.input file and kspacing is not set, the default value of kspacing is 0.5.


This parameter is specific to PWMAT and is used to set the K points. It is an optional parameter. The default value is 0 for Relax or SCF calculations, and 3 for AIMD calculations.


Sets the path to the pseudopotential files of PWmat or VASP, in list format. The path to the pseudopotential file can be an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current path).


The in_skf parameter is used to set the path to the parent directory of the pseudopotential files for DFTB (Integrated by PWMAT). It should be specified as a string in either absolute or relative format (relative to the current directory).


Refer to potential_file.


The potential_file parameter is used to set the path to the BASIS_MOLOPT and POTENTIAL files for CP2K pseudopotentials. For example:

"basis_set_file": "~/datas/systems/cp2k/data/BASIS_MOLOPT",
"potential_file": "~/datas/systems/cp2k/data/POTENTIAL"


Since the input controls for the self-consistent calculation tasks are the same, only a single-file configuration is needed. For different DFT software, the settings are as follows:

For PWMAT, the settings are similar to INIT_BULK. If you haven't specified the "MP_N123" parameter in scf_etot.input, you need to set the kspacing and flag_symm parameters.

"DFT": {
"dft_style": "pwmat",
"input": "scf_etot.input",
"kspacing": 0.3,
"flag_symm": 0

Alternatively, you can omit the settings, and the default parameters will be used (kspacing=0.5, flag_symm=0). In this case, the settings are as follows:

"DFT": {
"dft_style": "pwmat",
"input": "scf_etot.input",
"pseudo": ["~/NCPP-SG15-PBE/Si.SG15.PBE.UPF"]

If you are using the DFTB integrated in PWMAT, the settings are as follows:

"DFT": {
"dft_style": "pwmat",
"input": "scf_etot.input",
"in_skf": "./lisi_dftb_pseudo"

For VASP, the settings are as follows:

"DFT": {
"dft_style": "vasp",
"input": "scf_INCAR",
"pseudo": ["~/Si/POTCAR"]

For CP2K, the settings are as follows:

"DFT": {
"dft_style": "cp2k",
"input": "scf_cp2k.inp",
"basis_set_file": "~/datas/systems/cp2k/data/BASIS_MOLOPT",
"potential_file": "~/datas/systems/cp2k/data/POTENTIAL"


The following example shows a standard active learning workflow with two rounds of active learning using a multi-model committee query strategy. For more usage examples, please refer to the example directory in the source code root.

"reserve_work": false,
"reserve_md_traj": false,
"reserve_scf_files": false,

"init_data": ["/path/init_data"],

"train": {
"_train_input_file": "std_si.json",

"model_type": "DP",
"atom_type": [14],
"max_neigh_num": 100,
"seed": 2023,
"model_num": 1,
"data_shuffle": true,
"train_valid_ratio": 0.8,
"recover_train": true,
"model": {
"descriptor": {
"Rmax": 6.0,
"Rmin": 0.5,
"M2": 16,
"network_size": [25, 25, 25]
"fitting_net": {
"network_size": [50, 50, 50, 1]
"optimizer": {
"optimizer": "LKF",
"epochs": 10,
"batch_size": 16,
"print_freq": 10,
"block_size": 5120,
"kalman_lambda": 0.98,
"kalman_nue": 0.9987,
"train_energy": true,
"train_force": true,
"train_ei": false,
"train_virial": false,
"train_egroup": false,
"pre_fac_force": 2.0,
"pre_fac_etot": 1.0,
"pre_fac_ei": 1.0,
"pre_fac_virial": 1.0,
"pre_fac_egroup": 0.1

"strategy": {
"uncertainty": "committee",
"lower_model_deiv_f": 0.05,
"upper_model_deiv_f": 0.15,
"model_num": 4,

"kpu_lower": 5,
"kpu_upper": 10,

"max_select": 10,
"md_type": 2,
"compress": false,
"compress_order": 3,
"Compress_dx": 0.01

"explore": {
"sys_config_prefix": "/path/structures",
"sys_configs": [
{ "config": "POSCAR", "format": "vasp" },
"md_jobs": [
"ensemble": "nvt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"taup": 0.5,
"sys_idx": [0, 1],
"temps": [500, 700],
"taut": 0.1,
"boundary": true
"ensemble": "npt",
"nsteps": 1000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"press": [100.0, 200.0],
"taup": 0.5,
"sys_idx": [0, 3],
"temps": [500, 700],
"taut": 0.1,
"boundary": true,
"_neigh_modify": 10,
"_mass": "list or string",
"merge_traj": false
"ensemble": "nvt",
"nsteps": 4000,
"md_dt": 0.002,
"trj_freq": 10,
"press": [100.0, 200.0],
"taup": 0.5,
"sys_idx": [0, 1],
"temps": [500, 700],
"taut": 0.1,
"boundary": true
"DFT": {
"dft_style": "pwmat",
"input": "scf_etot.input",
"kspacing": 0.5,
"flag_symm": 0,
"pseudo": ["path/Si.SG15.PBE.UPF"]